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CV F. Raymond Salemme PhD

Professional History
Imiplex LLC
Founder and President


• Imiplex focuses on the development modular components to allow the flexible, controlled assembly of nanostructures using a combination of top-down and bottom-up assembly strategies.
• Imiplex develops specialized computer codes for engineering nanostructures and has filed an extensive intellectual property portfolio covering engineered protein compositions and nanostructure applications.

IonField Systems Board of Directors (www.ionfieldsystems.com)


• IonField Systems is a company that develops and markets instrumentation for drug screening and high-throughput diagnostic applications.
VIA Sciences Board of Directors (www.viascience.com)


• VIA Science’s REFS™ platform is used for analysis of “big data” in IoT applications.
ExSAR Board of Directors


• ExSAR offers contract Mass Spectroscopy HD Exchange services for protein structural analysis, including epitope mapping and biosimilars characterization.
Aria Neurosciences Board of Directors


• Aria Neurosciences is a company engaged in the development of CNS drugs acting through novel mechanisms of action.
Redpoint Bio Corporation
Chief Executive Officer & Board of Directors


Redpoint Bio was a biotechnology company involved in the discovery of chemosensation modulators, allowing the use of reduced quantities of sugar in food and beverage applications, and the modulation of incretin secretion for diabetes and obesity.
• Recruited as CEO in June 2004 at close of Series A venture financing to develop Redpoint technical and strategic plan.
• Developed a discovery platform incorporating modern drug discovery and cheminformatics technology, as well as novel operant animal models for natural product tastant discovery.
• Discovered RP44 (Reb C), a novel all-natural sweetness enhancer derived from stevia, subsequently affirmed GRAS and licensed to IFF for commercialization.
• Forged collaborations with Givaudan, the number one flavor and fragrance company worldwide, and Coca-Cola, the number one beverage company worldwide.
3-Dimensional Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Founder, President & Chief Scientific Officer


Scientific founder, director, and executive officer of 3-Dimensional Pharmaceuticals. Inc. [3DP]. 3DP was a Nasdaq-listed pharmaceutical company developing drugs for cardiovascular disease and cancer, and had grown to over 200 employees when it was acquired by Johnson & Johnson in April 2003. 3DP developed DiscoverWorks®, a proprietary chemi-informatic technology that integrates structural biology, combinatorial chemistry, and high throughput screening for cost-effective pharmaceutical discovery in the post-genomics era. As founder and executive officer of the company I achieved the following objectives:
• Developed 3DP business plans for venture funding, raising over $40 million in equity backed capital.
• Developed road show raising $85 million, valuing 3DP at ~$335 million at its August 2000 IPO.
• Developed and implemented 3DP’s R&D plan for novel small molecule pharmaceuticals for cardiovascular disease and cancer. Outlicensed lead cardiovascular programs to Wyeth and Johnson & Johnson at completion of Phase I clinical development.
• Developed and commercialized ThermoFluor® HTS software and instrumentation for label-free drug screening and related applications requiring thermodynamic measurements of protein stability.
• Developed and implemented DiscoverWorks® strategy, using 3DP’s high-throughput drug discovery platform to generate revenue that 3DP reinvested to finance internal drug discovery programs. Developed collaborations and licensing agreements with Bristol-Myers Squibb, Merck KGaA, Boeringer Inglelheim, Heska, BioCryst, Aventis Crop Science, Merck and other companies, raising ~$40 million in cash and operating revenue.
• Co-Invented DirectedDiversity® control technology for combinatorial chemistry and ThermoFluor® high throughput drug screening technology, key components of 3DP’s DiscoverWorks® platform.
• Developed 3DP intellectual property licensing strategy, generating multi-million dollar revenues.
• Built and directed industry-leading scientific teams in molecular biology, biophysics, combinatorial chemistry, medicinal chemistry, structural biology, and advanced computer technology for chemi-informatics. Recruited world-class Scientific Advisory Board for 3DP.
• Generated over $3 million in NIH SBIR and NIST ATP Federal research support to fund early 3DP technology development.
Sterling Winthrop Pharmaceuticals
Senior Director
Biophysics and Computational Chemistry


Established and directed the Department of Biophysics and Computational Chemistry that consolidated company-wide technical resources for structure-based drug discovery and rational drug design.
• Recruited scientific teams and integrated biophysical methods of structure determination (including protein x-ray crystallography, high-field NMR, and optical spectroscopy) with the development and use of Computer-Aided Design tools for rational drug design and protein engineering.
• Integrated scientific teams over three Sterling Winthrop operating sites; developed and implemented consolidation plan at Collegeville site.
• Directed structure-based drug design programs for matrix metalloproteases, elastase, and interleukin-converting enzyme, leading to preclinical candidates within 2 years from program initiation.
• Directed collaborative research program with Sandia Laboratories for the application of advanced computational methods for drug discovery.
DuPont Merck Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Research Leader
Protein Structure & Drug Design


Life Sciences components of DuPont Central Research were merged into the DuPont Merck Pharmaceuticals joint venture in 1991. At DuPont-Merck Pharmaceuticals I directed a group of experimental biophysicists and computational chemists focused on the rational design of new pharmaceuticals, including a novel class of symmetric uriedo-based HIV protease inhibitors, and several boronic acid derivatives of DUP 714, a direct thrombin inhibitor for cardiovascular disease.
DuPont Company
Research Leader
Central Research and Development


At DuPont CR&D, I built and supervised a multidisciplinary scientific group that included biophysicists, crystallographers, computational chemists, and applied mathematicians. This group collaborated with molecular biologists, biochemists, and synthetic chemists in CR&D and in DuPont Operating Departments on basic and applied problems in structural analysis, molecular modeling, and simulation.
• Supervised X-ray structure determination of proteins of pharmaceutical interest including streptavidin, protocatechuate dioxygenase, retroviral proteases, interleukin 1ß, and phospholipase A2 to support efforts in Dupont Pharmaceuticals and Diagnostic Products operating divisions.
• Supervised structure-based design of new drugs for viral proteases and phospholipase and modified chromophoric ligands for streptavidin.
• Developed new computational simulations of protein electron transfer reactions, biopolymer elasticity, and dynamics of phospholipid micelles.
• Developed real-time x-ray process monitoring instrumentation for carbon fiber production.
• Developed new computational modeling tools for simulation of periodic 3D polymer lattices.
• Developed and commercialized the first robotic system for protein crystallization.
• Team leader for engineered biopolymers with advanced material applications.

Genex Corporation
Protein Engineering Department


At Genex, I recruited and provided technical supervision for one of the first integrated research teams in the biotechnology industry to successfully engineer proteins using a combination of X-ray structural studies and computer-aided design methods.
• Developed pioneering technology for rapid protein structure determination using 2-dimensional X-ray area detectors.
• Designed and engineered the first single-chain Fv antibodies for diagnostic and therapeutic applications.
• Developed advanced computer programs for protein engineering to produce improved catalysts with properties suitable for industrial process environments.
Academic Career
University of Arizona
Professor of Biochemistry
Associate Professor of Biochemistry
Assistant Professor of Chemistry


Pursued a career in teaching and research, reaching tenured full professor in 1982. Taught courses in Physical Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Biophysics, and supervised numerous PhD and MS thesis committees in the physical sciences. My research group determined several protein crystal structures using X-ray crystallography and authored pioneering papers on biological electron transfer mechanisms, principles of protein architecture, and role of dynamics in protein function. My research was supported through competitively funded federal research grants from the National Institutes of Health (NIHGMS), National Science foundation (NSF), and the Research Corporation.
Yale University
Visiting Associate Professor
Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry


During 1981-1982 I was on Sabbatical leave at Yale University.
• Worked with members of the Yale WERMS structural biology and biophysics group.
• Developed pioneering computer methods for the computation, analysis, and display of 3D protein electrostatic fields.
• Carried out theoretical studies of protein-DNA interactions.
• Developed normal mode approximation of cooperative dynamics in protein secondary structures.
University of California at San Diego
Postdoctoral Fellow, Biochemistry
M.S., Ph.D., Chemistry


I received a Ph.D. in Chemistry under the direction of Joseph Kraut in 1972, for X-ray structural studies of cytochrome c2, one of the first protein structures to be determined at near atomic resolution.
• Thesis Title: "Structure of Cytochrome c2 of Rhodospirillum rubrum at 2.0Å Resolution and Related Topics in Protein Crystallography."
• Postdoctoral work with M.D. Kamen on electron transport mechanisms.
• Designed and constructed (with Stanley Miller)
UCSD steam-powered car for CalTech-MIT coast-to-coast clear air car race.
Yale University
B.A., Molecular Biophysics
with exceptional distinction


• Admitted to MIT and Yale from Junior year in high school, 1962.
• Clow Scholarship, Yale University, 1963.
• Built X-ray instrumentation for Harold Wyckoff and Fred Richards as undergraduate student.
• Scholar of the House, Yale University, 1967.
• Devane Senior Prize for research work on "Chemical Modification of Ribonuclease-S" with F.M. Richards, 1967.

Lamont Geological Observatory
Shipboard Scientist
Research Vessel, Robert D. Conrad


Served as shipboard scientist and able-bodied seaman aboard oceanographic research vessel Robert D. Conrad (AGOR-3). The cruise circumnavigated the earth (~70,000 nautical miles) to map tectonic plate boundaries and perform seismic profiling and deep core sampling of geological features on the ocean floor.
• Designed, built and operated instrumentation for deep water oceanographic studies.
• Supervised deep water equipment recovery and emergency shipboard rigging operations.

Honors & Service
• BioLeap (A biotechnology company engaged in structure-based drug design) Advisory Board (2008-2012)
• Biotechnology Greenhouse of Southeastern Pennsylvania Advisory Committee (2002-2003)
• Nuventive Inc. (An information technology company) Advisory Board (2001-2008)
• InforMax (A bioinformatics company) Scientific Advisory Board (2000-2002)
• Philadelphia Business Journal Fast Fifty Growth Company-3DP (2001)
• Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award-Greater Philadelphia (To 3DP) (1998)
• Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year Finalist-Greater Philadelphia (To 3DP) (1996-1997)
• Philadelphia Technology Council Enterprise Award Finalist (To 3DP) (1995)

• Advisory Committee, University of Pittsburgh Drug Discovery Institute (2015-)
• Chair, NIH Review Committee on Protein Structure Initiative Knowledge Base (2009)
• Hauptman Woodward Medical Research Institute Board of Advisors (2008- 2015)
• Chair, NIH Review Committee on Drug Docking and Screening Data Resource (2008)
• Rutgers University Guest Lecturer (2007)
• Yale University Medical School Guest Lecturer (2005, 2006)
• NIH National Center for Biotechnology Information PubChem Advisory Board (2004-2009)
• NIH NCBI Board of Scientific Counselors (2004-2009)
• National Cancer Institute Special Review Committee for Chemical Genomics (2004)
• Editorial Board, Assay and Drug Development Technologies (2004-)
• National Center for Biotechnology Information (NIH NCBI NLM) Advisory Committee (2003)
• Biophysical Society Finance Committee (2002-2005)
• Penn State Nanofabrication Manufacturing Partnership Advisory Board (2001-)
• NIST Visiting Committee (1999-2006)
• Princeton University Guest Lecturer (1999-2004)
• Member, NIH Special Study Section on the Protein Structure Initiative (1999, 2005)
• Program Organizer, University of Delaware Engineering Outreach Program (1998-1999)
• Princeton University Visiting Research Collaborator (1993-1996)
• Chemical Science and Technology Panel, NIST NAS/NRC Board of Assessment (1992-1993)
• North Carolina Supercomputing Center Resource Advisory Committee (1992-1995)
• Editorial Board, STRUCTURE (1992-1994)
• Editorial Board, PROTEINS: Structure, Function,Genetics (1991-1996)
• Member, US National Academy of Sciences-USSR Workshop on Proteins and Glasses (1991)
• Keck Center for Computational Biology Scientific Advisory Board, Baylor Medical College and Rice University, (1990-1993)
• Editor, Protein Engineering and Design, Current Opinion in Structural Biology (1990-92)
• NIH Review Committee on "Structural Biology for Targeted Drug Design for AIDS" (1987, 1992)
• Princeton University Department of Chemistry Advisory Board (1987-93)
• NASA Space Sciences Applications Committee (1986-87)
• Brookhaven Protein Data Bank Advisory Committee (1985-96)
• NASA Macromolecular Crystallography Center (UAB Birmingham) Advisory Board (1985-93)
• Co-Organizer, Gordon Research Conference on Diffraction Methods in Molecular Biology (1985)
• Biophysics Review Panel, National Science Foundation (1983-86)
• NIH Study Section on Biochemistry and Biophysics, Special Member (1982).
• Special Reviewer, Biological Synchrotron Studies at SLAC (Stanford), CHESS (Cornell), and NSLS (Brookhaven National Labs) (1981-93).
• NIH Special Study Section Member (Large-Scale Computer and Synchrotron Resources) (1980-96)
• Camille and Henry Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Award (1978)
• U.S. Public Health Service Predoctoral Fellow (1967-72)
• Devane Senior Prize, Yale University (1967)
• Scholar of the House, Yale University (1967)

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